Saturday, October 12, 2013

We're Back! The first camping trip was a success!

We got back yesterday from the first camping trip.  And of course, there is no Wi-Fi in the state park so I was unable to update my blog.  But I kept a journal of events.  It was a good trip.  Learned some lessons.  So here ya go!

The first day we arrived we found that our campsite was too small! I had even checked before we arrived to ensure that our RV would fit.  Not too big an issue.  We found a spot we could fit, which had sewer, an added bonus.  DH walked back to the check in and got it worked out so we could stay at that site instead.  Another couple arrived a few minutes later with the same issue so they parked in the spot beside us and instant neighbors.  The girls loved their puppies.

I love the campground we chose because it had the connecting trail to get to all the trails to the waterfalls.  We got everything set up and decided to do a short hike our first evening.  We took off and were a few feet on the trail and spotted a fawn. 
Immediately the girls were excited.  We walked on after taking some photos and could hear the falls! Awesome.  We came up on cascades and Cane Creek Falls.  The weather was amazing so I let the girls take off their shoes and put their feet in.  Even I ventured in the water to get a photo of the water going over Cane Creek Falls.  So the first night was pretty good.  We cuddled in the bed because we decided not to turn the heat on.  It didn’t get terribly cold.  All in all I would say pretty good first day!

 Boys and girls, please do not attempt this picture! I was actually barefooted in the water on the edge of Cane Creek Falls to get this shot. 
The second day of our trip started early.  A hearty breakfast of oatmeal before we sat on the hike to get to Fall Creek Falls.  We set off down the same path as before but we went to the left to head to Fall Creek Falls.  The trip through the woods was beautiful and peaceful. We made it to the top of the falls and the crowds were gathering.  I was actually surprised to see that many people there on a Wednesday.  There were even two school groups.  The girls did great walking to the top of Fall Creek Falls.  And even did great going down.  About ¼ of the way that is.  The first grouping of rocks scared Ava so for a good portion of the hike down she rode on my shoulders.  Yup, that’s an extra 30lbs.  The rocks at the bottom were slick! Both girls slipped.  And this momma was worn out on the way back up and had to tote that extra 30lbs as well. We got back to the RV and an amazing lunch of hamburgers and hotdogs grilled on charcoal.  Normally I’m a fan of gas grills but my mind has been changed! Ava was worn out and slept.  Arianna was not worn out. She was wide open.  So we hung out around the RV while Ava napped. For dinner We had pot roast with carrots and mashed potatoes.  Crock pot!  Later that night we had our campfire and made s’mores.  And as it turns out, I’m the only one who likes s’mores in my family.  So weird.  Anyway….bathtime was easy thanks to the bathtub in the RV.  Whew! Both girls went down to sleep pretty easy.  Maybe its because we hiked over 5 miles? =)


The third day we woke up and made pancakes.  Yummy! I remembered to bring my electric skillet.  Big Hit! So we took our time and even watched a movie.  I had only packed warmer style clothes but I lucked out the previous day and found two pairs of shorts for the little girls in the backpack.  Today of course they were dirty.  I ended up washing them in the sink with dishwashing soap as DH told me he had not tried the wash machine out yet and I didn’t have any detergent.  However, I didn’t let that stop me from trying out the dryer.  Our washer dryer is a combo unit.  It took me awhile to figure out how to start the dryer.  Mind you I’m very book smart.  No common sense apparently.  Then another 40 minutes to get them dry.  Apparently, on our dryer you have to crank it up to 80 minutes for any real heat to start.  20 minutes is just fluff air.  Oh well, they got dry eventually and that’s all that matters. We ate lunch and then headed down to the lake.  Another pretty day.  Note to self: Bring bikes next time! Lots of places to explore and we were limited.  We did find a general store that’s not overly priced.  The girls got some ice cream and the DH got a cigar.  So we headed back for awhile.  We went back down to the cascades and Cane Creek Falls.  While it was a beautiful day and even considered warm to some, temps were mid to high 70s, there were people swimming in the water! I mean granted we took off our shoes and walked around in the water.  But these people were full on in the water in swim suits.  Crazy! The mommy in me kept screaming: THEY ARE GONNA GET SICK! But they weren’t in my group so I had to let it go.  Such an amazing beautiful place. 

The fourth and final day we got up to a cold morning.  I mean BRRR! I turned the heat on in both the living room and bedroom.  We took our time getting ready and packing everything up.  Another reason to own an RV!  I took a nice hot shower, another reason RVs are better than tents.  Eventually we were packed up and ready to head out.  The ride home came up a little upset.  Poor Arianna gets car sick if not paying attention.  She was playing with the Kindle and of course threw up.  But again, the RV is great.  I was able to get her cleaned up and ready to go without stopping.  She took a nap the rest of the ride home.  So home we arrived….back to the stick house.  And the planning for the next trip begins now. =)

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Makes me want to stow away in your rv next time you go. Loved all the beautiful pictures.
